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Minggu, 21 April 2013

Bermajelis dengan Fadhilatus Syaikh Prof Dr. Abdurrozzaq bin Abdul Muhsin Al Abbad Al Badr hafizahullahuta'ala

Alhamdulillahibini'mati tatimmushalihat.

Jika tahun lalu saya hanya bisa mendengar muhadharah dari Syaikh Abdurrozzaq dari rekaman ceramah, maka segala puji bagi Allah yang telah memberikan kami, 37 orang Praja IPDN Kampus Cilandak bisa menghadiri muhadharah Syaikh tersebut.
Kami berangkat dari kampus kami di Ampera Raya dengan bis BNPP pada pukul 06.30. Sedikit terlambat dari rencana semula yaitu pukul 06.00 karena ada sejumlah kendala teknis seperti masalah kendaraan. Oleh karena itu saya menasehatkan kepada semua pelaksana kegiatan agar senantiasa melakukan konfirmasi, re konfirmasi dan memastikan semua berjalan dengan baik sebelum tiba pada waktu pelaksanaannya.
Walaupun beberapa dari kami harus bergantian berdiri dan duduk namun kami yakin bahwa setiap usaha akan dinilai oleh Allah dengan ganjaran yang terbaik.
Wa anna laysa lil insani illa ma sa'a. Wa anna sa'yahu sawfa yura.
Dan manusia hanya memperoleh apa yang telah diusahakannya. Dan sesungguhnya usaha itu kelak akan diperlihatkan (kepadanya).
Saat kami tiba di Jalan yang memisahkan Masjid Istiqlal dengan Gereja Katedral. Bis kami bergerak sangat lambat. Merayap bersamaan dengan ratusan kendaraan lainnya. Hingga kami tiba di tempat parkir dan mulai untuk berjuang mendapatkan tempat terdekat kepada Syaikh.
Sudah dimaklumi ketika seorang Syaikh besar hadir di Indonesia maka antum harus bersiap-siap dengan masjid yang penuh sesak oleh jamaah. Sampai tulisan ini diterbitkan belum ada pengumuman resmi dari panitia tentang jumlah jamaah yang hadir.

Rabu, 17 April 2013

Motangnga Fishing From The Sky (Part 1)

Alhamdulillah (Thanks to God), The Second Translate of Mandar's Culture Article.

Makassar Strait is one of flying fish habitat in Indonesia that have high population. In the beginning of east monsoon Mandar fishermen, who live on Gulf Mandar coast, prepare for motangnga activity. Motangnga is a masterpiece of fishery activity among mandar fishermen. Because motangnga has many differences with other fishery activities, especially about fishing technique.
Some of the different thing are a more complex preparation, need longer time, more taboos to be awared, higher partitipation and involment of family and community,  higher incomes and more people get benefit, a unique fishing process, and has socio-cultural element that you just found in Mandar.
Motangnga literally means middle. Motangnga is a fishery activity to find flying fish eggs around trough of Makassar Strait. Named Motangnga because in this fishery activity, fisherman should wander in the middle of ocean about 10-15 days. They watch flying fish come to the fishing gear where placed in front. Flying Fish will come to buaro(gear) then embed their eggs in the gear. Motangnga term is caused by fishing flying fish conduct in the end of the west season to the beginning of early season (April-August) or middle between the two seasons. Fishermen conducting motangnga called potangnga.
Generally, Mandar fisherman use calendar and compare it with astromical sign (star position) to predict east monsoon Based on mandar fisherman understanding. We can predict the east monsoon from some sign. Either direct sign or indirect sign. Direct sign means they will find flying fish egges embed to garbage floating in the ocean when they are conduct others fishery activity or they are fishing at roppo in the previous monsoon activity.If previous east monsoon start from May to August that means east monsoon this year will start at the same time.
For indirect sign, they watch star position. According to some fisherman. Balunnus star is a sign means the flying fish has rose and the amount is in highest quantity. Fruits season also used to be other references to determine the number flying fish eggs will find by the fishermen. If some fruits especially olive fruit abundant before beginning of east monsoon. That means fisherman will find abundant flying fish eggs too.
In a capture tuing-tuing (flying fish) eggs season. Potangnga conduct motangnga 6 or 7 times. Assumption need 15-20 days in the ocean (sometimes need less than 10 days, for example : they find many eggs directly or some accident that force fishermen to shorten motangnga like damage on the boat) and the time between each cruise trip about 3-5 days.
Mandar Fishermen conduct motangnga above the Makassar strait through at a depth of 2000-3000 meters. Criteria to select an area as a suitable depth is not base on direct measurement but on the knowledge that has been passed down through generations. When fishermen has selected a landmark seemed small (for a sea mountain case), so thats territorial can be used as a starting to wander (physical ocean sign, either mystical sign or usual sign is influence wander location) as well as information from other potangnga that an area has many eggs.
Motangnga standard cruise line for mandar fishermen is start from their settlement-Pamboang Gulf – middle ocean (depth ocean) – wander – settlement. Sometimes. Mandar fishermen can also choose direct route, without passing Pamboang gulf and go directly to middle ocean. As well as after wander, sometimes fishermen don’t immediately return to the settlement, they stop in the other areas to take paqbulu. For example, corel reefs near Ujung Lero Island , Tonyaman Island and Binuang.
Wander ideal direction is from north to south, but sometimes is not like that. Physical ocean factors like current will influent. Although dominant osean current is from north to south, local ocean current may cause a boat deviated from direction. They can know that they have not in line when they reach shallow in places that are not supposed to or in others words, their boat moved slightly to the west. In addition to the current, starting warden position is very influent, if they put gear is not in the right place they will experience it.
Before the 90’s, Before the 90's, motangnga activities synonymous with legendary boat from Mandar,, Sandeq. Different to nowadays, the number of sandeq relatively equal sandeq with motorboat. Main reason is sandeq become extinct. So, sailing sandeq nowadays  is the last fishing sandeq of Mandar.
However, sandeq has several advantages than using a motor boat. Fishermen who use kappal worry they will not find the tapping / palataq and tugo in their search, even they have spent a lot of fuel. Fishermen who use the screen, in this case sandeq, it is not a big problem because they use wind power. Kappal would have trouble driving in the tapping / palataq and tugo, because these objects will disrupt their boat propellers.
Initially Motangnga activity is to catch flying fish, while the eggs only as byproduct because flying fish always attaches its eggs in the gear. Eggs are not yet a commodity traded at the time. When the fishermen come from motangnga, potangnga distribute the eggs to neighbors and relatives for free. When the eggs become a foreign demand or when the egg has had important economic value, flying fish slowly replaced by fish eggs as the main target motangnga.
Moreover some fishermen are specialized to catch only the eggs. Because their specialization , Mandar community generally called them as pattalloq or fishermen looking for flying fish eggs.

Visit Indonesia version on Motangnga Berburu Ikan dari Langit
This article is translated by Muhammad Zulkifli underlicense from the author Muhammad Ridwan Alimuddin

Sabtu, 16 Februari 2013

Marayama The Last Pakkacaping

Bismillah in open this post 
Marayama, a Kacaping1 Maestro . If we look up at her body, you will not believe that she is a Kacaping Player and tremendeous singer. Her body is very old, hunchback, wrinkled skin, oldwoman typical. But when she's holding a Kacaping  start to picking the strings and singing, there was a great energy that radiates. Yes, that's the hallmark of the maestro. Like the late Ma’Coppong, her body is very weak, but when dancing, her figure like a young girl.
Marayama lived amid chocolate and coconut palms, close to Timbu-timbu Hills. Quite difficult to find her home without asking people around there. To find Maryama’s house, we can use motorcycle from Tinambung, pass Galung Lombok Village, Renggeang Village,  and Tandassura Village  (About 10 km from Trans Sulawesi Highway). Between mosques and  Tandassura Elementary School, there is a small road into the middle garden. Winding roads, through one or two stage home. About 300 m from the axis of Tandassura or 1 km from Mandar River, There was a simply house belongs to Marayama. Almost everything made from wood and bamboo, except the front wall of the House are made of zinc. No electricity at home. So when the evening using oil lamps as the light. There was some family’s house around her house, included her sister, Satuni.
Marayama don't know exactly when she was born. But she's a kid when the occupation of Japan. So I expect she's born in the 30 's, the era of the pakkacaping2  legend, I Pasoq. So her age is around 80 years.Marayama has four siblings, all of them can play kacaping. They are I Yasi (female), Lemba (male), Satuni, Marayama, Sapa (female, can play kacaping but was not her job). Among them, the oldest brother (I Yasi) was the most expert play Kacaping. Although both parents Marayama could play kacaping, but  Marayama and her sisters taught play kacaping from the oldest sister, I Yasi.
Marayama’s father named I Jalaq ( from Kambaqjawa, Samasundu ), her mother named Maliaya ( from Galung, Majene ). For farming ,they move from their hometown, Renggeang and Marayama was born there, to Tandassura. Both Marayama’s parents were not pakkacaping. Different to Marayama’s grandfather. He's a Paqgeso , ancient musical instrument from Southern Sulawesi Island. This instrumen like a violin. Usually played on traditonal circumcition and Marriage .We can’t find this intrument anymore.
Marayama’s Grandfather called I Roa, her parents (Marayama’s great-grandfather) came from Lombok and Salabose (Majene). In addition to paqgeso, he is a kacaping maker too. So little Marayama very familiar with her lifetime things (kacaping). Not only from her grandfather and her older brother, Marayama influenced to played kacaping from her uncle, namely Sumaati and her aunt, I Cicci. I Cicci could play kacaping  better than her friends.When I Cicci got old. She lived with Marayama who helped her when she got paralyzed. Not only inherited skill to play kacaping. From I Cicci but also inherited an ancient kacaping  which is currently hanging in the Marayama’s living room. 
Her First husband called Ba’durramang, Bandru’s servant (famous gangster leader). They lived in Puppengaq. Ba’durramang was killed in Kayumate, Mamuju. Actually Marayama follow her husband to Mamuju, but she's back to Majene. Sometime later there was a news that her husband killed by the Bugis, led by Salla Kalluq, on Sunday night. Then Marayama married Ba’as but she divorced because he was playboy.Both Ba’durramang and Ba’as were Tandassura villagers. From their marriage, Marayama had no children. So, Marayama named as Kanneq Manang (manang = tamanang, barren).For present generation, barren is a taunt, but it's actually a common thing. In fact there were a King whose name based on the their lack, for example Tokape and Andi Depu (‘depu’ word derived from word ’arepus’ which means ugly).
Before 90s Era, and Mandar was a very isolated area, go play kacaping is a serious challenge. When Marayama was a young lady, she accompanied by her father.For play kacaping, Marayama and her sister often went out more than a week. No car and motorcycle so they walking especially to reach more isloated area like Ratte Kallang, Tu’bi, etc. They paid with money or harvest product.
Sometimes Marayama and her sister attacked by black magic. Like when they played on Tu’bi, Marayama felt twisted by a big snake and told it to Satuni but Satuni couldn’t see anything. Other times, there are light similar to coals shell fluttering around them.Sometimes kacaping suddenly disappeared but the sound is heard. Even the mats  was often used as a medium for attacking them when playing kacaping. The mats and pillows scroll directly (commonly used for disproving the thigh during play) suddenly like living things, between the pillow and mats fight each other.
Physically they attacked too. Their body got injury and diarrhea. But Satuni and Marayama proud, although they attacked by blackmagic, they didn’t thing to stop play kacaping, they consisted to pluck kacaping string, like a a scene in the Kung Fu Hustle. The other challenge when Marayama and Satuni play kacaping is a fight between spectators. It is common in Mandar, in the 80s era, every croed event must be a fight and killed each others.
A prohibit to step on kacaping and sometimes could make people unlucky or danger.When someone makes a vow (the promise), for example, if I have a Buffalo I would invite pakkacaping. When nazar was not fulfilled, he would get sick. At the same time, the kacaping at Marayama’s home will be tense strings, frequently sound weird. It is a sign there that somebody has not met his vow, somebody would  sick. To solve it, invited the pakkacaping. When a pakkacaping brought his kacaping passing in front of your house and you greets him and he didn’t greets to you. You’ll be sick and to solve it you had  to invite him. So we didn’t need to greets pakkacaping but if he didn’t bring his kacaping no worry.
In the 40s era, Marayama and I Tage got achievment a silver pins from Tenggelang District Government (Puang Tenggelang Hamma), Lambe Lotong, Sumarrang Village (known Campalagian). More than five decades later, Marayama with Cammana (rebana’s player), Tombo Palua (dancer, singer and calong player), Ka’dara (pakkacaping, keke player and calong player) and Ma’dang (pa’raga) got Sipakaraya Achievment from Sipakaraya Forum at Tinambung (Sept 2009).
Dalif Palipoi ( a cultural observer) proposed to acquire Marayama Award from the Ministry of culture and tourism. Goverment usually invited Marayama and the public too. Sometimes Marayama invited by Arajang (Mandar Queen) Andi Depu who lived in Makassar as a strategy to against Netherland Occupation.
Now, no one to practice play kacaping.. Pakkacaping regeneration less than Cammana (tambourine player. There are some factors :
First, almost imposibble to find youth want to play kacaping especially young lady. Second, to be a pakkacaping take a long time. Not only to memoryze song, but also ability of improvisation understading stories and knowledge in Mandar literature (kalindaqda and some adaptation words when Sung). Third, when you expect revenue from the play kacaping, it is very difficult. Pakkacaping only  invited on certain events (e.g., the welcomed festival)and sometimes from the general public. Pakkacaping is no longer entertainment. It replaced by Orchestra, gambus, band and, sayang-sayang.
However, Marayama has taught  play kacaping to some people, i.e I Kanda (Lena, Galung Lombok), Cicciq Moreq (Lebukang), Jagariah (Pakkaqbang, Tandassura), Patima (Pakkaqbang, Tandassura), and Indoq Sogo (Sossoq). The latter is probably still alive, but it's been a few years Marayama never met him. Marayama also has taught a passayang-sayang, but not for long time because the students things play kacaping is very difficult.
Now Marayama use her fourth kacaping made in the Kappung Lena (Galung Lombok) in 40s, made from kuqmil wood (jackfruit). Some kacaping is not used because of the damage, not because it is obsolete. There is due to fall from the backrest and fell right up the motorcycle. Damaged cartilage causes the kacaping wooden  is very thin. Interestingly, the strongest strings was brake motorcycle wire. She also use string made from gold. She got it  from a Buginese Goldsmith fan to her. Bugis kacaping smaller than Mandar kacaping. Bugis Kacaping put in hand  but Mandar kacaping must be rest on the stomatch.
We have to appreciate Maramaya concistenty in order to entertain the people who invite or request it. She's proven makkacaping as a way of life. He could be ascertained as kacaping maestro. As art of Mandar culture,Marayama is the last pakkacaping woman heir . Although her sister, Satuni, was also a player and often duet with her. Marayama has a special ability. For example the specificity of her voice, a bit of baritone and when singing, each end of the temple there is a heart wrenching shrill. That's not including the ability to deliver oral stories to audience.
In conclusion, We must appreciate Marayama and other kacaping playersby giving them awards, studying them, documenting the capabilities and their life stories, and give them freedom to express her makkacaping skill. A pakkacaping paid IDR Rp. 300.000-500.000 for play till midnight. If we compare with a seminar speaker, for a hour, they paid for a milion. So, pakkacaping fare is reasonable. If there were no invitations to play kacaping, kacaping gradually will hang on be unheritable skill. Therefore, there are no youth interested to be a pakkacaping. Kacaping as a peak of Mandar art will lost whether gracefull kacaping putrefied.

1.      Kacaping is a traditional music instrument like a guitar well known in Indonesia as kecapi but in different model and size for every region.
2.      Pakkacaping, a kacaping player
3.      Mandar region is refers to afdeling Mandar or West Sulawesi now.

       This article is translated by Muhammad Zulkifli underlicense from the author Muhammad Ridwan Alimuddin. You can read the source in Marayama Pakkacaping Tobaine Terakhir

Kamis, 07 Februari 2013


Masyarakat Indonesia sangat beruntung karena memiliki Bank seperti Bank Mandiri. Mulai dari memiliki Mandiri Tabungan saja sudah banyak sekali keuntungan yang kita bisa dapatkan. Layanan Mandiri Tabungan ini meberikan banyak kemudahan untuk transaksi kita, anda tidak perlu keluar rumah untuk mengetahui jumlah saldo atau mentransfer sejumlah uang, cukup gunakan Mandiri Internet, Mandiri Call atau Mandiri SMS. BASERDA kita ini juga meminimalkan transaksi tunai kita dengan diterimanya Mandiri Kartu ATM, Mandiri Kartu Debit dan Mandiri Kartu Kredit di seluruh merchat yang berlogo Visa di dalam dan di luar negeri. Mandiri Kartu Kredit merupakan kartu sakti yang membawa banyak keuntungan bagi anda.Pada Mandiri Kartu Kredit Gold dan Silver anda dapat menerima dana tunai dengan kemudahan mencicil sampai 12 kali dengan bunga ringan melalui fasilitas Mandiri Power Cash. Anda juga dapat mengubah pembelian barang menjadi cicilan melalai fasilitas Mandiri Auto Installment dengan bunga ringan 0,99 % per bulan. Mandiri Kartu Kredit melindungi anda dalam perjalanan anda bahkan melindungi ahli waris anda dari kewajiban melunasi seluruh tagihan jika pemegang kartu berhalangan total tetap. Masyarakat umumnya melihat kelebihan Bank Mandiri karena mempunyai mesin ATM yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah namun sebenarnya Bank Mandiri masih punya banyak kelebihan. Sebut saja Mandiri Tabungan Rencana, kita kadang-kadang tidak mampu mengontrol pengeluaran kita padahal kita mempunyai rencana masa depan seperti melanjutkan pendidikan atau menikah dan tentunya membutuhkan persapan yang matang. Mandiri Tabungan Rencana membantu kita untuk menata keuangan kita agar bisa siap pada waktunya. Bank Mandiri akan membantu menyimpan uang kita dari rekening Mandiri Tabungan ke rekening Mandiri Tabungan Rencana secara teratur setiap bulannya dan otomatis. Mandiri Tabungan Rencana juga dilengkapi asuransi yang merupakan kerjasama dengan PT. Axa Mandiri Finansial Services sehingga ketika kita mengalami ketidakmampuan total tetap maka pihak asuransi yang akan meneruskan Mandiri Tabungan Rancana kita. Bagi anda yang mempunyai kesibukan luar biasa atau tidak bisa meninggalkan jam dinas anda maka Bank Mandiri menyediakan layanan Weekend Banking. 14 Kantor Cabang Bank Mandiri siap melayani kebutuhan transaksi keuangan anda mulai dari pukul 09.00-15.30. Misalnya anda akan mengajukan KPR, Mandiri KPR terdiri dari beberapa jenis seperti Mandiri KPR Duo, Mandiri KPR Take Over, Mandiri KPR Top Up, dan Mandiri KPR Angsuran Berjenjang. Mandiri KPR sangat mudah karena memberikan waktu jangka waktu yang fleksibel sampai dengan 15 tahun. Bank Mandiri juga telah bekerja sama dengan 350 developer di seluruh Indonesia dengan penawaran yang menarik dari setiap developer. Jadi anda tidak perlu bingung denga padatnya jam kantor dan dimanapun anda berada Bank Mandiri menjawab kebutuhan anda. Fasilitas lain yang tidak ditemukan pada bank lain adalah KTA (Kredit Tanpa Agunan). Mandiri Kredit Tanpa Agunan memberikan anda kredit dengan limit sampai Rp. 200 juta. Cicilan rendah dan biaya yang hanya 2-3% dari limit kredit bisa anda andalkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan keuangan anda. Dan tentunya Mandiri KTA juga dilengkapi dengan asuransi. Bank Mandiri memberikan penghargaan kepada para nasabahnya melalui program Mandiri Fiesta. Berbagai jenis hadiah telah dipersiapkan seperti mobil mewah, emas batangan dan berbagai hadiah menarik lainnya. Caranya mudah, tingkatkan terus saldo tabungan anda, kumpulkan poinnya dan dapatkan hadiahnya. Untuk info selengkapnya silahkan kunjungi .